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Created:Friday, January 29, 2016
Members: Friday, January 29, 2016 at 09:44 eastern (981 days ago)
Public: Friday, January 29, 2016 at 09:44 eastern
Expiration:unknown (click this link)
Heat level:this is a good deal
Countries:available in USA
Details:Samsung 40" 4K 2160p HDTV for $499
Samsung 40-inch LED-backlit LCD 4K 2160p Smart HDTV for $499 with free shipping. Also includes 2 HDMI cables with the order. This highly rated HDTV usually sells for at least $600.

The price is hidden until the final checkout page. Be sure to check the price before committing your order, since it can change at any time.

If you are looking for a larger 4K HDTV, an LG 49-inch LED-backlit LCD 4K 2160p Smart HDTV is available for $600 from

Depending on how sensitive your eyes are to light, a 40-inch size TV should look good when you are seated 5-8 feet away, and a 50-inch TV about 6-12 feet away. It really depends on personal preference; get a larger screen if you watch a lot of TV/movies/sports, or get a smaller screen for occasional watching. We have a 50-inch TV for occasional watching about 12-13 feet away from where people sit, and the image seems perfectly clear without bring too overwhelming for the room. We also have an HDTV projector in a home theater room that produces a 100-inch image for people seated about 6-8 feet away, which gives an incredible movie theater-like experience. We only use the big screen for a big movie night or the Super Bowl, because it is too large for everyday TV watching., Samsung
Categories:electronics, televisions

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