Why are there advertisements on some Hot Deals Club pages?
We need to spend more time upgrading the features of the site and more time finding hot deals for our visitors and members.
Any money raised by the ads will be put toward more resources for the Hot Deals Club.
As of Feb 28, 2005, we decided to begin posting some ads the right-side of some Hot Deals Club pages.
Those ads are sponsored by third-party companies, provided by Google Adsense, and are the only sponsored links on the Hot Deals Club website.
The ads are clearly marked with the text "Advertisements" so there's no confusion which links are sponsored, and which are not.
Note those are the only links on the Hot Deals Club that are sponsored.
No deals posted are sponsored, so as to not sway our decisions on which deals are truly good enough to make it to this site.
This site will try to maintain the quality of our deals by maintaining this policy for as long as possible.
If you see a deal posted on the Hot Deals Club, it is because we feel the deal is good enough for someone to consider.
We will not post any deals that we would not consider buying ourselves.
We do not earn any money if you click on a deal link or not, so you can trust our posts as real deals and not someone just trying to make a buck.
Hot Deals Club members will not see any advertisements.
The ads are an experiment for now.
We will only keep them if they benefit the site.
We currently use Google AdSense for our advertisement provider.
They use the text on our site to post ads relevent to the deals that are shown.
If you know of an ad provider that may work better for us, or if you want us to post your ad instead of Google AdSense ads, please let us know.
Why do I not see any advertisements?
If all you see is the word "Advertisements" but no ads directly beneath it, then you may have ad blocking software installed on your computer.
If so, you will not see any of our sponsored advertisements, and you will not be able to help support this website in that way.
Instead, we hope you help support this website by becoming a
of the Hot Deals Club.