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Created:Thursday, December 6, 2001
Members: Thursday, December 6, 2001 at 00:00 eastern (3264 days ago)
Public: Thursday, December 6, 2001 at 00:00 eastern
This is an informational posting or a note regarding an existing deal
Heat level:N/A
Countries:available in USA
Details:Banned from Staples:
For a while, Staples was the best place to purchase items at a heavilly reduced cost after the use of their plentiful coupon codes. Not only has Staples drastically reduced the supply of coupon codes, but a lot of people, including myself, are completely banned from I, like many other people, noticed that whenever I order anything from (online or over the phone) all orders are immediately cancelled by Staples often without notifying us that our orders were cancelled. Some orders are marked with "please call customer service," others just plain "cancelled." When it happened to a friend of mine numerous times beginning 9 months ago, I joked and thought he just had bad luck using coupons at Staples. Then a few days later I realized that most of my orders (about 90%) are cancelled at the very moment I submit them. After I originally posted these "problems" on this site, I received emails from a few other people who have similar ordering issues at Staples. Could there be a Staples database of "evil" customers? A friend of mine who believed that he too was "banned from Staples" had a little chat with customer service who actually confirmed that he is on the official "restricted" list at I guess he had little to complain about, since a few months ago he used a few legatimate coupon codes to get a large volume of attache cases for free.

Update (10am): One visitor comments that people who are banned from can still use an in-store coupon and pricematching policy to get great deals.

Update (2pm): Another person who was banned from, and a family that was banned from their local store. My advice is to take your pricematching and coupons to Staples stores instead of

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