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Created:Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Members: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 at 13:47 eastern (1493 days ago)
Public: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 at 14:00 eastern
Location:Dell Business (click this link)
Heat level:this is a good deal
Countries:available in USA
Details:good deals on desktop computers

No especially good deals on desktop computers today, but if you're looking for a computer deal to go along with today's 19" LCD monitor deal, these are the best today:
  • Dimension E521 without monitor: AMD Athlon 64 3200+, 512MB memory, 80GB hard drive, DVD-ROM drive, no monitor, integrated Geforce 6150 LE, 1 year warranty for $299. Or a similar slim model for $329 when choosing the Athlon 64 CPU and de-selecting the monitor.
  • Dimension E521 without monitor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+, 512MB memory, 160GB hard drive, DVD-ROM drive, no monitor, integrated Geforce 6150 LE, 1 year warranty for $399. Or a similar slim model for $429 when de-selecting the monitor.
  • Dimension 9200 without monitor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 Processor at 1.86GHz on 1066MHz bus, 512MB memory, 80GB hard drive, DVD-ROM drive, no monitor, 256MB Geforce 7300LE graphics, 1 year warranty for $529. The Core 2 Duo is a $50 upgrade, but recommended because it will improve overall system performance. Gamers should note that Dimension 9200 has a power supply powerful enough for high-end $300+ 3D graphics cards, whereas Dimensions starting with a 5 or E5 do not.
Or if you wait, computer deals are due to get better soon.

Update (10/19): The Dimension E521 with Athlon X2 Dual Core CPU now comes standard with 1GB memory instead of 512MB, making it a very good deal. You could save about $50 if you were to build a computer with similar specs on your own from parts, but the Dell deal is convenient and comes with a 1 year warranty.

Also the Dimension 9200 deal is still available at $529, but also with 1GB memory instead of 512MB. To get either of those deals, make sure you de-select the monitor when configuring the computer.

Update: Note, the Dimension E521 comes with a Serial-ATA only, and is not compatible with IDE (ATA) hard drives and DVD Burners. Page 71 of the owner's manual shows no IDE connectors, only Serial-ATA. The configuration page shows a $60 upgrade fee to replace the DVD-ROM drive with a DVD Burner, but a better deal is to buy the Serial-ATA DVD Burner separately for $50. That's a good deal for a Serial-ATA DVD Burner, however this one appears to not have Double Layer write ability. Or, you could buy a regular ATA DVD Burner, then purchase a Serial-ATA to IDE internal adapter. (thanks, Jorden H.)

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