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Created:Monday, October 30, 2006
Members: Monday, October 30, 2006 at 12:16 eastern (1480 days ago)
Public: Monday, October 30, 2006 at 13:00 eastern
Location:Dell Business (click this link)
Heat level:this is a good deal
Countries:available in USA
Details:Dimension E521: Athlon 64 X2, 1GB, 160GB, no monitor for $399

A deal for someone looking for a decent desktop computer deal without a monitor. Dimension E521 in its base configuration comes with a pretty good AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+ processor. When the less expensive Athlon 64 X2 processor is compared against an Intel Pentium D processor, their performance is similar. The Dell computer comes with 1GB of memory, 160GB hard drive, DVD-ROM drive, integrated Geforce 6150 graphics, 1 year on-site warranty and choosing "no monitor" brings the price down to $399 with free shipping. Also a slim model with identical configuration is available for $429 when de-selecting the monitor.

For comparison, the Athlon 64 X2 3800+ is about as powerful as a Intel Pentium D 820 processor. A similarly configured Dimension 5150 from Dell Business with Pentium D 820, 1GB memory, 160GB drive, and no monitor costs around $575.

When configuring a computer from Dell Home or Dell Business, consider selecting:
  • Express Upgrade to Windows Vista
It gives you the option to pay $10 to $55 to later upgrade to Windows Vista when it's released. That's a very good deal, since Microsoft will charge other customers $100 to $200 for a Vista upgrade.

This computer may be too underpowered for for gamers and technophiles, but it's a pretty good deal for business applications.

Note, the Dimension E521 computer comes with Serial-ATA capabilities only, and is not compatible with IDE (ATA) hard drives and DVD Burners. Page 71 of the owner's manual confirms it has no IDE connectors, only Serial-ATA. The E521 configuration page shows a $60 upgrade fee to replace the DVD-ROM drive with a double-layer DVD Burner, but another option is to buy a Serial-ATA DVD Burner separately for $50. That's a good deal for a Serial-ATA DVD Burner, however this one appears to not have Double Layer write ability. Or, you could buy a regular ATA DVD Burner, then purchase a Serial-ATA to IDE internal adapter.

Individuals do not need to form a company to order from Dell Business, simply by using their name as the company name.

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