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Created:Monday, October 18, 2021
Members: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 at 00:00 eastern (908 days ago)
Public: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 at 00:00 eastern
Expiration:unknown (click this link)
Heat level:this is a good deal
Countries:available in USA
Details:My Choice Membership 1 Year for $10, Code: UPSMyChoice10
UPS is one of the most popular package delivery services in the U.S., and they provide free and paid package delivery notifications, rerouting, and rescheduling of deliveries.

Sign in, or sign up to UPS for free, using your home address. The free account gives useful email notifications of upcoming package deliveries, and you can re-schedule and re-route deliveries for a small fee.

Or, upgrade to their My Choice Membership for unlimited free package rescheduling and routing. My Choice is normally $20 per year, and code UPSMyChoice10 takes 50% off, making it $10 for one year.

To apply the code, view your account information, click Upgrade to My Choice Membership, click "Yes" on the promo code question, and enter code UPSMyChoice10 .

After the first year, the plan automatically renews at $20/year, unless you cancel before the 1-year anniversary date.

If you plan to change home deliveries more than twice in a year, the $10 My Choice fee pays for itself. Someone who travels for more than a few days, or fears packages left at the front door while away from home, the free UPS account and the paid My Choice are both useful services.
Companies:United Parcel Service
Categories:internet services

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