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Created:Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Members: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 15:43 eastern (929 days ago)
Public: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 15:43 eastern
This is an informational posting or a note regarding an existing deal
Heat level:N/A
Countries:available in USA
Details:Flight Deals for September and October:
In the US, the cheapest travel time of the year is coming up:
  • All of September, except around Labor Day weekend
  • All of October, except Columbus Day and Halloween weekends.
Now is the time to look for flight deals. If you can travel on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Saturday, those are the best days to find a hot deal on airfare.

For example, JetBlue, United, and others have recently announted $200 roundtrip airfare ($100 each way) between Austin & Houston and Boston & New York City. We also just found several $152 roundtrip ($76 each way) airfare between Houston (HOU) and Boston. Also deals include Long Beach to Oakland for $98 roundtrip, San Francisco area to Seattle for $162 roundtrip, NYC/Boston to Seattle for $338 roundtrip, and Austin/Houston to many cities in the Caribbean for $201 to $250 roundtrip. Even some incredible international deals are available, such as Houston to Johannesburg for $780 roundtrip.

To help find the deals, use Google Flights. Enter your origin and destination cities, then view a calendar of prices to see the best deals. Or, leave the destination city blank to see a map of cities and their prices.

This deal came from The Hot Deals Club. Click here to visit the site for more deals such as this one.