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Created:Sunday, April 22, 2018
Members: Sunday, April 22, 2018 at 09:29 eastern (2183 days ago)
Public: Sunday, April 22, 2018 at 09:29 eastern
Expiration:unknown (click this link)
Heat level:this is a good deal
Countries:available in USA
Details:Water Flosser for $15

A water flosser is an OK investment, according to us and our dentist. The electric/wireless device sprays water in between teeth, providing a quick floss when need to get clean.

$15 is a great deal, but note that we found flossing picks work better than the spray device. A pack of 540 floss picks costs about $19. They are easier to travel with, and provide quick & effective flossing when needed.

This deal came from The Hot Deals Club. Click here to visit the site for more deals such as this one.