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Created:Thursday, January 22, 2015
Members: Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 10:29 eastern (989 days ago)
Public: Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 10:29 eastern
Expiration:unknown (click this link)
Heat level:this is a good deal
Countries:available in USA
Details:Pantum Wifi Laser Printer for $30
A great deal on a budget printer. A Pantum P2502W Laser Printer with built-in Wifi connectivity (so all your computers on your Wifi network can print) for $30 with free shipping. The reviews on both Amazon and Newegg are mostly positive, and it includes a 2-year manufacturer's warranty. The included ink cartridge should give about 1,500 pages, and replacement cartridges cost more than the printer itself.

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